shell scripting - Loop variable error in for loop - Ask Ubuntu then it is showing error. Syntax error: Bad for loop variable. and running properly when I remove shebang. Please tell me the reason behind this. shell-scripting ...
bash - syntax of for loop in linux shell scripting - Stack Overflow 2011年4月11日 - 2: Syntax error: Bad for loop variable ... bin/bash for (( c=1; c
Writing a for loop in bash using a variable - Stack Overflow 2012年10月26日 - Syntax error: Bad for loop variable. My OS is Ubuntu 12.04 and the code looks like this: #!/bin/bash TOP=10 for ((i=1; i 1: Syntax error: Bad for loop variable - Ubuntu Forums bin/bash for (( i = 0; i
Syntax error: Bad for loop variable 語法錯誤? [論壇- Ubuntu 程式 ... 1: Syntax error: Bad for loop variable 第一行有錯誤 ... /bin/bash"而已, 可見原碼沒問題,我想問題大概出在bash上,何不重新安裝? 2007/8/7 ...
程式扎記: [Ubuntu 常見問題] Syntax error: Bad for loop variable解決 ... 2011年11月11日 - 轉載自 這裡 前言: 今天接手一個Test automation 的shell script, 無奈怎麼跑都會出現"Bad for loop variable". 查了一下發現原有的script 語法並沒有 ...
Syntax error: Bad for loop variable解決方法 - 程式扎記 2011年10月31日 - [Ubuntu 常見問題] Syntax error: Bad for loop variable解決方法. 轉載自 這裡 前言: 今天接手一個Test automation 的shell script, 無奈怎麼跑都會 ...
Syntax error: Bad for loop variable | Unix Linux Forums | Shell ... It keeps throwing the error "Syntax error: Bad for loop variable" on line 16. I know its picking up the IP ADDRESS correctly. Any ideas on whats ...
Syntax error: Bad for loop variable | Unix Linux Forums | Shell ... I'm getting an error while running this script. Need help. Code: set -x verbose # echo on clear #clear the screen USERNAME="bbb" ...
bash - Why does this incrementing for loop return a bad variable ... 2012年5月16日 - I'm trying to call this shell script from within the CLI of GRASS GIS: for (( day=5 ... returns. Syntax error: Bad for loop variable. bash dash ash for ...